Aesthetically, which is better SU-27/30 or F15?

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Ugly camuflage for beautiful aircraft

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Ugly camuflage for beautiful aircraft

How can you call that ugly. The blue single seater agressor F-15 is the most beatiful of all Eagles.

Though I must admit the Viper there beats it, it is generally a better looking plane.

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16 years 9 months

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If You refer to my first post ever, ull enderstand when i say i am pro-American

However, in only some small curcumstances does an Eagle look aesthetically more pleasing than a Flanker.

Theres just something about its shape and size (flanker) that says, dont F with me, otherwise ur dead :) And look sexy at the same time.......

Shes just got the shape (Flanker)

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In most aspects I really agree that the Flanker is better looking than the Eagle. However, from a side view, that drooping snoot on the Flanker makes it look more like an Aardvark. The F15 is much more inline and smoother looking.

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Before one directly compares them one should look at them across their respective families.

Attached are the T-10/Su-27 family, the F-15 family, and a tongue-in-cheek "what happens if they cross-bred" depiction.


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These two for me:

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Which one looks better is immaterial, what counts is which one can do its job best. If there's nothing to chose on that score start looking at other factors. Like initial cost, user friendliness and operating costs. After everything is taken into account go for the one that gives the best VFM. Nothing else should affect the decision making process.

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Which one looks better is immaterial, what counts is which one can do its job best. If there's nothing to chose on that score start looking at other factors. Like initial cost, user friendliness and operating costs. After everything is taken into account go for the one that gives the best VFM. Nothing else should affect the decision making process.
.. but the fact is that everything else affects the decision making process. Technical specs and user friendliness are never a feature able to compete with political factors

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Aha, you've spotted the one thing that overides all other arguments ( which I forgot.) We all know how it works - Yes your product is the best value for money but we've decided to award the contract to your competitor as their politics are more favourable to the government.