Bulgarian Army Chief Hopes Modernization to Start in 2005

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Bulgarian Army Chief Hopes Modernization to Start in 2005

PLOVDIV, Bulgaria -- The Chief of Staff of the Bulgarian Armed Forces, General Nikola Kolev, said Friday (15 October) he expected modernisation of the army to begin in earnest during 2005 and to be completed before 2015. As priorities, Kolev included the upgrade of the aviation fleet, modernisation of the anti-aircraft defence system and provision of new radar equipment.


What fighter will Bulgaria opt for?

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This force should do nicely!

"upgrade of the aviation fleet"

F/A-22 fighters (USA)
AT-29 trainers (Brazil)
EMB-145 EriEye AEW&C (Brazil / Sweden)

"modernisation of the anti-aircraft defence system"

1) Tor-M1-2 (Russia)
2) Patriot PAC-3 (USA)
3) S-400 (Russia)

"provision of new radar equipment"

1) 67N6E GAMMA-DE Radar (Russia)
2) GIRAFFE AMB Radar (Sweden)
3) Green Pine Radar (Isreal)

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He he :D

...Dream on!

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20 years 3 months

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He he :D

...Dream on!

Yeah, F-22.... Where does he buy his weed??? The Romanians upgraded 110 MiG-21's ($345 mill total) for the price of three Raptors (c.a $110 mill per specimen). That kind of puts things in perspective :D

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so they should go in for MiG-29 from the VVS stock but are they not a NATO member now?

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Posts: 311

so they should go in for MiG-29 from the VVS stock but are they not a NATO member now?

Yes Bulgaria is a NATO member. I suppose Bulgaria will upgrade the existing inventory rather than buy new. The MiG-29 Sniper upgrade looks kind of nice and the Romanian experience with the Lancer has been mostly positive so that is an option as well although there is no guarantee Bulgaria will do business with EADS/Aerostar/Elta. Another option I suppose is that they might reconsider second-hand F-16s. There is also a number of very interesting Projects for making Mil-24/35s and Mil-17s NATO compliant.

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According articles in AFM and Air International, Bulgaria is looking into acquiring a small compact force of Gripens to meet NATO standard. I think there is a concerted effort to move at least the Air Force towards Western equipment.

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Here we go

"Deputy Minister of Defense Ilko Dimitrov signed today, September 23, a Memorandum of understanding with Gripen International and with BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems International Inc.

The documents define the opportunities for cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the two companies in the area of the modernization of the Bulgarian Armed Forces.

Partnership with Gripen International covers the modernization of the Air Forces, while the cooperation with BAE Systems – modernization of the information and communication systems, the command and control systems, as well as the IFF system, identification friend or foe.

Signed papers envisage the creation of working groups with representatives of the Ministry and the two companies, who will develop programs for joint activities. "

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20 years 3 months

Posts: 311

Here we go

"Deputy Minister of Defense Ilko Dimitrov signed today, September 23, a Memorandum of understanding with Gripen International and with BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems International Inc.

The documents define the opportunities for cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the two companies in the area of the modernization of the Bulgarian Armed Forces.

Partnership with Gripen International covers the modernization of the Air Forces, while the cooperation with BAE Systems – modernization of the information and communication systems, the command and control systems, as well as the IFF system, identification friend or foe.

Signed papers envisage the creation of working groups with representatives of the Ministry and the two companies, who will develop programs for joint activities. "

Golly, things do move fast, they have changed their mind again :D first it was F-16, then upgraded MiG-29 and now Gripens. What next?
I was actually rather surprised Bulgaria turned down the F-16 deal. It would have been subsidized under one of them Peace-XYZ deals would it not?

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I don't think it's too new. Gripens were the lead choice for some time according to what I read in AFM.

There was also a overview of European Air Forces about four or five issues ago. It mentioned Bulgarian interest in the Gripen. As for the Fulcrums, Bulgaria's MiG-29s were mentioned in that particular issue (along with Romania's) as being troublesome and that the air force is looking at it as drain on its resources.

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In fact, here is a recent news on the MiG-29 upgrade. It seems it had turned into a bit of a disaster.



The contract with Russia's RSK MiG for the upgrade of Bulgaria's MiG-29 fighter aircraft might be terminated by the end of the week, Bulgaria's Defence Minister Nikolay Svinarov announced on February 9.

Bulgaria contracted RSK MiG in March 2002 to repair the MiG-29 fighter aircraft. Under the deal, RSK was to subcontract 45 percent of the upgrade works to the Plovdiv-based plant of Terem.

Russia's RSK MiG agreed to grant all licenses to the joint venture based in Plovdiv for the upgrade of Bulgaria's MiG-29 fighter jets, which was one of the reasons why Sofia preferred the Russian company to Germany's EADS.

Bulgarian officials have repeatedly complained that the Russians are months behind schedule and have moved most of the works to Russia."

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"Where does he buy his weed???"

Buy it here in the states but it is imported Canadian Northern Lights Mary Jane.

Any who, Bulgaria should write a big check to Sweden for the JAS-39C/D, and the Saab 340 EriEye to upgrade the aviation fleet. Purchase the BAMSE and RBS-90 surface to air missile systems to modernise the anti-aircraft defence systems, and purchase the Giraffe series of radars to improve the nations radar equipment. Throw in some Visby Class Corvettes to improve the navy too!

This way you only have to write one check and only deal with one country rather than trying to get spares and parts from a whole bunch of countries to maintain your military.

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Bulgaria want to upgrade the Mi-17 and Mi-24 fleet and, for the short-term anyway, there are discussions re-opening regarding the Fulcrums. The argument between the Bulgarian Gov't and RSK MiG seemed to centre over the difference between "refurbishment" and "upgrade"...a fairly major difference, IMHO! Apparently six were "finshed" by RSK MiG before the Bulgarians said "hey, hang on a minute"....

There's news on the MiG-29 deal being renegotiated in Russian media sources today again...the Russian PM and his Bulgarian counter-part are having meetings this week, I understand.

The long-term ambition is to buy "Western equipment" for the Air Force: I'd say that Gripen was a very strong possibility given the MoU that was signed.

Best regards

Steve ~ Touchdown-News