Aviation art

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Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 9

Hi folks!

As a real aviation enthousiast, I just couldn't resist signing up here! And, showing you some of my aviation Art. :D

Hope you like 'em!

Nick (Dutch, 17 years old, likes to draw, likes airplanes.. Perfect combination!)


Some still need to be finished... :rolleyes:

Original post

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 8,505

I wish I had your talent mate.
Mike (61 and can't draw or sing)

Member for

16 years 2 months

Posts: 31

Nice work

Very good quality pencil work. They look very much like the 'remarque' illustrations which you often see in the margins of art prints.

Member for

19 years 5 months

Posts: 8,853

Superb renditions Nick, welcome to the Forum!:)

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 8,505

Sorry, I forgot to say welcome too. Keep at it, you're doing a grand job so far.

Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 9

Thanks for all those comments :D

I really like Robert Taylor's and Nicolas Trudgian remarques, so i hope they look like theirs! :rolleyes:

Member for

18 years 5 months

Posts: 791

I have seen a lot lot worse, even by some of the big names. Think you may have found a career

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Member for

16 years 5 months

Posts: 242

Fantastic drawings!

They make mine look an Avro Hawker Siddeley Fisher Price Vulcan!

Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 9

Haha, better then Trudgian's drawing...? Hmm.. I wish... But thanks for that compliment! :D

And.. 'lekker'? I do like airplanes, but I do not think they taste lekker (lekker=good, tastes good) :p


Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 9


Another one finished today :D

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 8,505

May I suggest you try to find a money making use for your talent young sir? Talent like that is too good to waste.

Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 9

Well... I am trying to start a career as an aviation artist. My site just went up, a few of my drawings are for sale at another site, and over 2 weeks i am going to promote my work at an modelbuilding event..

Soo.. Yes, I hope I can make some money of off it :D

oh yes, thanks for the compliment!

Member for

21 years 1 month

Posts: 8,505

Go for it and good luck. I hope everything turns out right for you.

Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 9

Haha, thanks lad, I appreciate that!

Oh yes, my site went oline.. Aviation Art and more of course... :P

www.graphiteartprints.com :D

Member for

19 years 5 months

Posts: 550

Fantastic pics there! keep them coming, some Luftwaffe ones would be nice:)
they are beautifully done.

Member for

16 years 1 month

Posts: 14

Excellent stuff. You have a great gift. I have always wished I could draw! I wasn't even allowed to take Art 'O' Level...

And welcome too!

Best regards


Member for

16 years 7 months

Posts: 6


You have a very fine looking talent,I'm an artist of leather unit patches,self taught,are you,did you take any art courses? Keep at it you're most definately on your way to a good career and don't let anyone tell you otherwise or discourage you,Much luck too you!!!!!!
Johnny Signor [email]WeBeEmblems@aol.com[/email]