Artículos de aviación

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Maiden Flight of Rustom II MALE UAV

India’s Rustom II MALE UAV taking off for its maiden flight...

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Last HATS EC135T2+ Helicopters Accepted

The final Australian HATS programme EC135T2+, N52-015 ‘855’,...

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SeaTac builds hardstands

THE PORT of Seattle has unveiled plans to build remote hardstands...

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Norway Opts for Poseidon

The Royal Norwegian Air Force is to replace its six Lockheed...

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Istanbul New Airport wins award

ISTANBUL NEW Airport has been placed first in the Future projects...

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Radar-Jamming Russian Il-22PPs

All three of the Ilyushin Il-22PP jamming aircraft destined for...

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NATS gets EU funding

THE UK’S Air Navigation Service Provider, NATS, and the European...

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Defenders and Islanders Transfer to RAF

The Army Air Corps’ fleet of Britten-Normal Islander and Defender...

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Liverpool Refurbishment Continues

LIVERPOOL JOHN Lennon Airport (LJLA) has kicked off the latest...

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Ryanair Arrives at Frankfurt

Frankfurt Airport will become Ryanair’s 85th base when it launches...