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La revista de aviación militar número uno del mundo

La revista AirForces Monthly está dedicada a las aeronaves militares modernas y a sus armas aéreas. Con una cobertura informativa sin parangón -a menudo en exclusiva-, la editorial cubre todos los aspectos de la aviación militar, región por región, ofreciendo a los lectores reportajes sobre los puntos fuertes de las fuerzas aéreas del mundo, sus conflictos, armamento y ejercicios.

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Russian rotors in Tsentr 2019

Russia & CIS Dmitri Sribnyi DISGORGING AIRBORNE...

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The United States Air Force in Britain

Until now, books describing the USAF presence in the United Kingdom...

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South Africa’s air-launche launched advances

Aircraft weapons The South African defence industry is making...

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Rwandan Mi-17 in Exercise Shared Accord

Africa US Army/Sgt Miles Andrade FORCE AÉRIENNE...

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A century between TWO BLUES

FORCE REPORT: In the concluding part of their analysis of the Turkish Naval Aviation fleet, Onur Kurç and Tayfun Yaşar examine the history and operations of its rotary wing and unmanned components and look at prospects for the future.

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Black Widows on tour

USAF F-35A in Europe For almost ten weeks this summer, the...

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’Badger Air Militia’

115th Fighter Wing The sound of the F-16 is well known to...

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Two more F-35Is delivered to Israel

Middle East One of the two latest F-35I Adirs for...

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Near-peer confrontation

Column Commander’s Update Briefing The last few decades...

Despedida del Tucano Parte II - Últimos días del Tucano

Para la Real Fuerza Aérea, 2019 ha visto la retirada del Tornado GR4 en marzo y ahora el Tucano T1 -un incondicional de la formación de pilotos- se despide.