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I am aware that most who contribute to these forums have high regard for the neutrality and impartiality of our favourite broadcaster Aunty Beeb. Ahem ! Just cleared my throat there.

No one should be in any doubt regarding my own recognition of the BBC's rectitude in these matters. Consequently, surprise was total when I read in yesterday's D.Tel. (6/2/19) that EU taxpayers had, thru' the EU since 2015, donated 4.2 million GBP to the BBC for 'development' purposes.

Any malcontents reading this news should know that there can be no unworthy suspicions attached thereto. There must not be any hint that this donation could in any way have compromised editorial integrity that otherwise might have led to suggestions of support for the EU and their Brexit policies.

Suggestions of such would indicate a clear breach of the State broadcasters Charter regarding impartiality. This of course, is ridiculous !

"Let Evil Be To Him Who Evil Thinks".

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13 years 5 months

Posts: 6,535

Anyone seen the cover of the current Private Eye? Delicious !