BREXIT - Merged Thread.

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The great thing about Tusks comment, apart from being true, is that the only people who get offended are those he’s talking about, truth hurts I guess JG? Being a bit of a snowflake and sensitive there though, toughen up old boy, there’s worse to come.

And it’s a pretty fair statement, to get this far, barely weeks away, with nothing, shows what a colossal monumental f*ck up the whole thing is.

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Posts: 963

“One thing above all is certain. The Leave campaign has been re-invigorated and refreshed by this remarkably spiteful tirade. And they are supposed to be our friends and allies !”

...the ones the likes of you and your croneys have been calling Nazis, queue jumpers, dictators, the enemy etc etc etc, or is name calling only great if it’s done against the EU?

Your narrow minded comments really do border on the absurd at times!

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Governmental incompetence is nothing new. It is practiced with some expertise by the 'left' and the 'right'. It isn't a feature of political allegiances, more a fact that stupidity abounds, as Mr. Tusk now realises to his discredit.

One thing is certain. Mr. Tusk's comments must not result in his enforced resignation from the EU Brexit merry-go-round. He is now an asset of the greatest value to the Leave campaign.

We should do all that we can to support him, hoping to receive yet another Tusk gem.

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6 years 7 months

Posts: 550

I agree, he should continue working in his special place in hell.:cool:

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Mr. BS evidence confirms that you're the one prone to tantrums and posting a myriad of biased videos to make up for your inability to construct a coherent point of view.

JG again your initial bravado and bold statements of the unicorn inhabited golden uplands post brexit plummets to you excusing the incompetence it has nurtured. Come on, take your rose tinted glasses off and be objective, see it for what it is.

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Are you on something exotic ? Your incoherence is incoherent !

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

“Are you on something exotic ? Your incoherence is incoherent !”

Double negative there, that therefore makes it coherent!

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6 years 7 months

Posts: 550

Glad to hear today that the government confirmed they are stockpiling body bags for a no deal brexit

Do people really believe everything they read. Seriously? We can't make our own body bags?

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963


Do people really believe everything they read. Seriously? We can't make our own body bags?"

....and such a manufacturing facility could be created and up and running, with contracts secured, and infrastructure and logistics and delivery framework set up in weeks? I think not..........

Of course longer term it's possible, but you can't just turn on and off such capabilities.

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13 years 5 months

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I read in today's D. Tel. Business, that former arch promoter of Project Fear, Bank of England honcho Mark Carney, now declares, in a truly spectacular 'about turn' that, "Brexit can kickstart a golden era of trade in contrast to earlier warnings".

Mark, welcome to reality ! Carney went on: "Brexit could usher in a golden era of international co-operation and cross border commerce".

AK, that should tick some of your boxes. You seem to be an inveterate 'desponder' and 'gloomer' perhaps the Carney message will dispel bad thoughts !

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6 years 7 months

Posts: 550

Not lies, not fear, not made up, but sad reality anf fact.

It will gain tons of extra sales in the UK after EU exports are tariffed and NTB'd out of the UK internal market.

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6 years 7 months

Posts: 550


Do people really believe everything they read. Seriously? We can't make our own body bags?"

....and such a manufacturing facility could be created and up and running, with contracts secured, and infrastructure and logistics and delivery framework set up in weeks? I think not..........

Of course longer term it's possible, but you can't just turn on and off such capabilities.

I'm sure we really could if it was an emergency.

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I know this will surprise you but, I prefer the D. Tel. version of the report. It is bound to contain the least number of inaccuracies.

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

"It will gain tons of extra sales in the UK after EU exports are tariffed and NTB'd out of the UK internal market."

Need to do your research boy, Ford stopped making cars in the UK in the early 2000's, Ford production is engines and such in the UK, so every car will have a tariff added at the current state. The problem with many brexiteers is their fundamental lack of knowledge and then making things up.

And where are these make believe extra sales coming from, just out of curiosity, what mass segment of the market that doesn't own a vehicle right now and will suddenly flood the showrooms buying them? please explain.

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19 years 3 months

Posts: 963

Apart from the fact that Mark Carney didn't say that JG, which is why I give this cheap and unreliable rag a wide berth..... other than that and all the other mistakes they got it spot on.....

Now why is it when the narrative of a future specualtion suits your view, it's stone hard fact, whereas when business leaders and intellectuals and experts in their field forecast future conditions based on their significant expereince it's written off by you. Your biases cloud and inhibit any sensible and lucid reasoning.

Member for

6 years 7 months

Posts: 550

"It will gain tons of extra sales in the UK after EU exports are tariffed and NTB'd out of the UK internal market."

Need to do your research boy, Ford stopped making cars in the UK in the early 2000's, Ford production is engines and such in the UK, so every car will have a tariff added at the current state. The problem with many brexiteers is their fundamental lack of knowledge and then making things up.

And where are these make believe extra sales coming from, just out of curiosity, what mass segment of the market that doesn't own a vehicle right now and will suddenly flood the showrooms buying them? please explain.

So they will have to start making cars here to sell them here after Brexit.

Cars are selling all the time, after Brexit NTBs alone could slow the supply of cars from the EU down to a trickle, not to mention jacking up the price on top of tariffs, so car manufacturers left in the UK will have the competitive advantage.