Flt Sgt Copping's P-40 From The Egyptian Desert

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..er no. Just the tail was BP926.

This BF VI shot was a very complete but substantially bent example.


Hey, I'm out of practice!

Yes, I know which one now!


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People are working on the basis that the first few pictures are fake -however if they are it still doesnt explain where the P-40 cockpit is !

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13 years 9 months

Posts: 429

Why are people so certain that 1,2, and 3 are fake? They all look bloody obviously real to me!! Digital, too, IMO, probably from a compact. It seems to have struggled to expose correctly due to the bright sky contrasting with the dull foreground.

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12 years 6 months

Posts: 442

I don't get it. Even if he has more photos, those are an odd choice of five to post.

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24 years 8 months

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Over on Wix, Pic 3 has been sharpened up. Looks much more believable now!


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12 years 6 months

Posts: 442

If it is real, and is recovered, do we favour a restoration or do we leave it as is?

Leave as it is. Do not do a 50/50 job like Duxford's 109!

The enhanced photo on wix does look a lot better though I'm still not totally convinced.

There's speculation on another forum that it could be a film set. Anyone?

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13 years 9 months

Posts: 429

It makes me laugh how people over ta WIX have blown up the tail section from the long distance photo, and theyre surprised to see artefacts around the tail :rolleyes:

Personally, I would also have taken and posted the long distance photos. They add authenticity and believability to the photos, by showing the surrounding environment and approach.

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13 years 11 months

Posts: 629

People are saying that modellers couldn't be that good...

If so, they know little about serious scale modeling, and what knowledge they do have probably extends about as far as the $19.95 plastic-toy kits that are top-of-the-line in Walmarts. And of course some of the best scale modelers don't even use kits; they scratchbuild.

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12 years 6 months

Posts: 442

Photos 3 and 4 look far too contrived and posed

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21 years 1 month

Posts: 474

Why are people so certain that 1,2, and 3 are fake? They all look bloody obviously real to me!! Digital, too, IMO, probably from a compact. It seems to have struggled to expose correctly due to the bright sky contrasting with the dull foreground.

Exactly; and as I pointed out on page 1 As a photographer the photo's are exactly what I would expect to see from the processed output of a compact, or even a consumer DSLR from a few years back.

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12 years 4 months

Posts: 2

Model or not that is the question

Awot is me :-) My nickname does not mean A Waste Of Time. Is the name of my motorcycle AWO-425T http://www.film-autos.com/fundus/fahrzeug/index.php?fz_id=259
In a few days I get a few other pictures of the P-40. This is not a model. It's a real plane! Believe !!!


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24 years 8 months

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Welcome to our world Raphael.

We would all love it to be true, and I am sure all look forward to more pictures!

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16 years 10 months

Posts: 615

Beau VI; you are a tease.

So what is the Spitfire in the background of the Ju88 tail shot??

Well serial no ends in 8 !


Profile picture for user Peter

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24 years 8 months

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Welcome to the forum Raphael! Looking forward to more pictures of this unique find! You do realise that until you post more pics, you have dozens of folks eagerly watching the thread sipping cofffee or other harder drink types in anticipation!

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20 years 3 months

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Awot is me :-) My nickname does not mean A Waste Of Time. Is the name of my motorcycle AWO-425T http://www.film-autos.com/fundus/fahrzeug/index.php?fz_id=259
In a few days I get a few other pictures of the P-40. This is not a model. It's a real plane! Believe !!!


Hi Raphael,
Welcome to the board and please prove my mind wrong.

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20 years 6 months

Posts: 5,589

People refuse to believe it's real because you cannot see the bloody shark's mouth!! :D

Perhaps the photographer did not slide back the canopy and hop into the cockpit as everyone seems to be debating, he may have stuck the camera through the small opening such as a broken canopy panel?

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13 years 10 months

Posts: 218


OK then. For the P40 experts (that's not me, by the way) ...

What part of the a/c is shown in Pic 4? Port fuselage side?

If that's a lifted-up hatch in the position where the fuselage roundel (?) is, isn't it odd that there seems to be no opening visible behind it? And was there a hatch in the side of the P40 in the position where the roundel was usually painted? Above the wing trailing edge fairing?

Secondly, what's that funny white-ish thing at the top left-hand corner which looks like broken plastic?


Member for

17 years 4 months

Posts: 151

I think the fuselage was twisted slightly during landing, which probably caused the hatch to spring open, and because its out of true and at an angle you can't see the opening behind it.