Khalem Chapman

Aircraft Report: KC-10A Extender

McDonnell Douglas’ KC-10A Extender has provided a key role in supporting US military and NATO operations for almost 40 years, but the sun is setting on this unique trijet tanker’s operational life

Israel’s second F-35I squadron declared operational

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) announced that its second Lockheed Martin F-35I ‘Adir’ unit – 116th Squadron ‘Lions of the South’ – had been declared officially operational on August 6.

Boeing’s Airborne Aircraft Carrier Concept

An idea that sounds like it was created for a Hollywood movie has actually been explored by the US military on-and-off for nearly a century. Key.Aero explores Boeing’s technical investigation from the early-1970s

HH-60W completes first aerial refuelling test

The USAF’s newest combat search and rescue (CSAR) helicopter, the Sikorsky HH-60W Jolly Green II, completed its first air-to-air refuelling sortie over southern Alabama on August 5.

The Monday Military Aviation Quiz 3

Welcome to the third Monday Military Aviation Quiz! How good of a military spotter do you consider yourself to be? Test your aircraft recognition skills on our quiz here!

RAF Posiedon shadows Russian warship for the first time

The Royal Air Force (RAF) has conducted the first operational sortie of its Boeing P-8A Poseidon MRA1 fleet, using the aircraft to shadow a Russian warship in the North Sea on August 3.

US Army signs for more MH-47G Block II Chinooks

On July 31, Boeing announced that it had been awarded a US$265m contract to build and deliver nine more MH-47G Block II Chinook helicopters for the US Army’s Special Operations Aviation Command.

Denmark's first F-35A takes shape

The Danish Ministry of Defence announced that the nation’s first Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II had passed through the Electronic Mate and Alignment Station (EMAS) in Fort Worth, Texas, on August 6.

Boeing completes first QF-16 conversion at Arizona facility

Boeing announced that it had completed the first conversion of a QF-16 Full-Scale Aerial Target (FSAT) at its modification facility at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base (AFB), Arizona, in June 2020.

Big Beasts: The World’s Four Largest Military Transports

Key.Aero explores and analyses four of the world’s largest operational military transport aircraft