
UK RAF C-17 strategic transport aircraft News Premium

RAND report warns of threat to UK air mobility

A report written by the RAND think tank has revealed that the UK’s military mobility could “have to do more with less” as tactical and strategic platforms are gradually retired over the next two decades

Argentine Air Force participates in huge airlift exercise

The Argentine Air Force participated in a wide-ranging exercise from September 20 to October 6 to improve strategic airlift operations, utilising its newly acquired 737-700 transport aircraft, which was delivered in March this year, among other assets

News Premium

CH-53K recovers MH-60S in first fleet mission success

A Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion heavy-lift transport helicopter was used to successfully recover a damaged US Navy-operated MH-60S Knighthawk from Mount Hogue in the White Mountains of California on September 5

Kazakhstan orders two Airbus A400Ms

The Republic of Kazakhstan has placed an order for two Airbus A400M aircraft plus associated maintenance and support, with the first platform scheduled to be delivered in 2024

Feature Premium

INSIGHT: An overview of the two-week airlift effort to evacuate Kabul

We give an overview of the massive two-week airlift from Kabul, which extracted thousands of Afghans and many other nationalities fleeing from the Taliban takeover

Lockheed Martin to support Indian Air Force’s C-130J fleet

Lockheed Martin has been awarded a US$328m, five-year contract from the Indian Air Force to provide support for the service’s fleet of 12 C-130J-30 Super Hercules aircraft

US DoD activates Civil Reserve Air Fleet to assist with Afghanistan efforts

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J Austin III announced on August 22 that he has ordered the Commander of US Transportation Command to activate Stage I of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet programme to assist with the Afghanistan evacuation

USAF C-17 News Premium

Investigation into USAF C-17A incident in Kabul could be launched

An official investigation could be launched into the chaotic first hours of the Kabul airlift that saw a US Air Force C-17 taxiing through a crowd of Afghan civilians attempting to flee the country, before taking off with some people still clinging on

RAF Voyager return from Afghanistan News Premium

Chaos in Kabul as coalition forces continue to withdraw from Afghanistan

As the Taliban entered Kabul to complete its rapid re-conquest of Afghanistan following the NATO withdrawal, order broke down at the city’s Hamid Karzai International Airport as thousands of civilians forced their way onto the tarmac in a bid to board one of the many military airlift flights evacuating US and other nationals

Feature Premium

The role of airpower in the withdrawal of coalition troops from Afghanistan

All US and coalition troops are to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by September 11 after two decades. We look at the role of airpower in the evacuation and the possibility of follow-on missions