Airbus A321

Middle of the market: the Boeing NMA conundrum

Hundreds of Airbus A321XLRs have been sold for the so-called ‘middle of the market’. With airlines decisively backing the European aircraft, Mark Broadbent questions where this leaves Boeing’s plans for an all-new alternative.

Korean Air Consolidates P&W Relationship

Korean Air has selected the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G to power its upcoming fleet of Airbus A321neos.

A380 to make way for A321 production increase

Airbus is to capitalise on the drawing down of its A380 production line by boosting A320 Family production at its Toulouse/Blagnac site.

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Thomas Cook Collapses

AFTER MONTHS of uncertainty and numerous attempts to secure funding or sell parts of the company, Thomas Cook Group entered compulsory liquidation on September 23.