
US DoD activates Civil Reserve Air Fleet to assist with Afghanistan efforts

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J Austin III announced on August 22 that he has ordered the Commander of US Transportation Command to activate Stage I of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet programme to assist with the Afghanistan evacuation

French transports sent to Kabul to support mass withdrawal effort

With the ongoing deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan, the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, has sent airlift assets from the French Air and Space Force to support evacuation efforts

Italy pushes forward with Afghanistan evacuations

The Italian Air Force continues to send its airlift assets to Kabul, Afghanistan, as coalition forces push ahead with the evacuation of civil/military personnel, former Afghan collaborators and their families from the nation

USAF C-17 News Premium

Investigation into USAF C-17A incident in Kabul could be launched

An official investigation could be launched into the chaotic first hours of the Kabul airlift that saw a US Air Force C-17 taxiing through a crowd of Afghan civilians attempting to flee the country, before taking off with some people still clinging on

Feature Premium

Where are Afghanistan’s 14 commercial airliners?

Key.Aero charts where the country’s collection of airliners is currently positioned following the Taliban’s takeover

RAF Voyager return from Afghanistan News Premium

Chaos in Kabul as coalition forces continue to withdraw from Afghanistan

As the Taliban entered Kabul to complete its rapid re-conquest of Afghanistan following the NATO withdrawal, order broke down at the city’s Hamid Karzai International Airport as thousands of civilians forced their way onto the tarmac in a bid to board one of the many military airlift flights evacuating US and other nationals

Feature Premium

The role of airpower in the withdrawal of coalition troops from Afghanistan

All US and coalition troops are to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by September 11 after two decades. We look at the role of airpower in the evacuation and the possibility of follow-on missions

News Premium

Afghan MD530F makes emergency landing in Helmand

An MDHI MD530F Cayuse Warrior light attack/scout helicopter assigned to the Afghan Air Force was forced to make an emergency landing near Lashkar Gar Square in Helmand province on July 29

plane in afghanistan Feature Premium

ANALYSIS: A look at the Afghan Air Force's aircraft inventory

While the future of Afghanistan may emerge from negotiations shaped by regional powers, its air force may be called upon to defend the nation, as we report

News Premium

Afghan Mi-17 crashes in Jaghatu

An Afghan Air Force-operated Mil Mi-17/17V-5 'Hip-H' heavy-lift tactical transport helicopter crashed during the night of June 8-9 in the Jaghatu district of Afghanistan’s Maidan Wardak province, following a technical malfunction